We’ve all been there.
When you are deeply hurt by people you least expect or faced with enormous challenges.
Of course, there is no better way to display your emotions than being angry.
It is natural you feel that way. After all, God gets angry too.
The book of Deuteronomy 9:8 makes this even more explicit.
It says, “you provoked the LORD to wrath, and the LORD was so angry with you that He would have destroyed you.”
Therefore, there is nothing wrong if you get angry.
In fact, Paul said the same thing too – “Be ye angry, and sin not; let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither gives place to the devil.“
Seldom you are provoked beyond measure that you want to respond in a hostile fashion.
In severe cases, your thoughts are filled with dangerous ideas – To harm or to kill.
But you need to calm down at this point because if you don’t, you may give place to the devil.
At first, anger comes into your mind, and then the devil quickly pushes you to sin.
Paul reminds us that we must put on self-control, forgive those who have wronged us, and move on.
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Bible verses about anger and self-control
If you are furious with those around you, I have compiled bible verses to help calm your anger.
Here are 10 Bible verses about anger. Read and be blessed.
1. Psalm 37:8 – We must refrain from anger
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.
“Refrain from anger and turn from wrath” – that’s the wisdom Psalm 37:8 imparts. It’s more than a verse; it’s God’s directive, a blueprint for peaceful living. Imagine a world where anger is obsolete, where tranquility reigns. This is God’s vision – one of unity, peace, and harmony.
But why should we refrain from anger? Well, it’s simple. Less anger equates to better decisions. Anger clouds judgment, while calmness clears our vision. Through this clarity, we make decisions that reflect wisdom, not haste.
Parallel wisdom is found in Ecclesiastes 7:9 and Ephesians 4:26. Both verses urge anger control, reinforcing the message in Psalm 37:8. Anger may visit, but it should not dictate our actions. Control over temper is an essential spiritual discipline.
Consider Genesis 4:5-8, where Cain’s anger over God’s rejection led him to commit fratricide. A horrific outcome of unrestrained anger!
In our lives, uncontrolled anger may not lead to such dire consequences, but the impact can still be significant. An angry outburst during a family disagreement, for instance, may strain relationships and sow seeds of discord.
However, God’s call isn’t about suppressing anger, but transforming it. It’s about shifting from wrath to understanding, to forgiveness. It’s a demanding task, yet it mirrors God’s character – “slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” (Psalm 103:8).
To sum it up, Psalm 37:8 isn’t a mere command. It’s a guide to peaceful relationships and healthier living. Embracing this verse means embracing patience, understanding, and love. Indeed, it’s a challenging path, but an incredibly rewarding one.
As we journey on, let’s strive to reflect God’s character, demonstrating that true strength is not in wrath, but in love and forgiveness.
2. Proverbs 14:29 – Do not be quick-tempered
He who is slow to anger has great understanding [and profits from his self-control],
But he who is quick-tempered exposes and exalts his foolishness [for all to see]
In the Bible, Proverbs 14:29 serves as a beacon, illuminating the path to controlling anger. This verse spotlights two virtues: patience and understanding.
Patience isn’t mere passivity. It’s active self-control, an exercise of the will. This echoes James 1:19, urging swift listening, slow speech, and slower anger. These virtues form our defense against anger, our shield in heated moments.
Understanding, in this context, signifies discernment, empathy. Proverbs 16:32 commends it, likening a patient individual to a victorious warrior. Together, patience and understanding guide us, keeping our boat steady amidst stormy seas of conflict.
Contrarily, being quick-tempered ignites recklessness. Proverbs 14:29 equates it with folly, an uncontrolled flame that engulfs wisdom and empathy. Numbers 20:10-12 tells of Moses, whose flash of temper cost him dearly. Ignoring God’s command, he struck a rock for water and forfeited his passage into the Promised Land.
So, how does Proverbs 14:29 apply to us? Firstly, let’s strive for patience. When temper flares, remember Moses’ story. Pause, listen, understand before reacting.
Secondly, let’s promote understanding. Unravel the ‘why’ behind differing views. Embodying these virtues, we’re equipped to handle our anger, improving our interactions.
In essence, patience and understanding form our blueprint for managing anger. Practicing these virtues safeguards us from quick temper’s pitfalls. When anger visits, recall this verse. Let patience and understanding respond.
As you adopt this approach, you’ll transition from quick-tempered to slow to anger. A journey I believe will transform your life remarkably.
3. James 1:20-21 – getting angry does not display righteousness
because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
James 1:20-21 delivers a profound truth about anger. It states: “Man’s wrath does not work the righteousness of God. So, discard all filthiness and rampant wickedness and accept humbly the word implanted in you, which can save your souls.” This verse encourages us to relinquish anger, underlining its incapacity to bring about divine righteousness.
There’s an evident contrast between human anger and God’s wisdom. Anger is impulsive and destructive. Divine wisdom, however, is patient and compassionate. Interestingly, the Apostle Paul’s list of the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 doesn’t include anger.
Now, let’s take a walk down the dusty roads of history, stepping into a biblical story in 2 Samuel 13. Here, we meet Absalom, a man consumed by anger against Amnon for a grave offense against his sister, Tamar. Absalom’s fury led him down a dark path of revenge, ultimately culminating in Amnon’s murder.
This act disrupted the peace of King David’s family and ignited a cycle of conflict and despair. Absalom’s anger didn’t work righteousness; rather, it birthed strife and chaos.
Anger disrupts our relationship with God and others. It clouds judgment and prompts actions contrary to divine principles. Thus, we must strive to curb its influence.
Scripture establishes righteousness and anger as incompatible due to their opposing outcomes. Righteousness, defined as conformity to God’s moral standards, often contradicts the outcomes of anger-induced actions. Romans 12:19 underlines this, advising us to abstain from revenge, leaving judgment to God.
So, how do we overcome anger? The Bible provides practical guidance. First, strive to manage anger, choosing patience over impulsive reactions. Prayer is an effective anger antidote, helping align hearts with God’s will. Seeking advice from spiritual mentors and immersing ourselves in God’s word aids our journey.
And remember, it’s okay to falter; we’re all works in progress. The goal is to persistently strive for growth, relying on divine strength. As we do, we’ll notice ourselves becoming more capable of managing our temper, fostering healthier relationships, and walking more closely with God.
4. Proverbs 15:1 – Be careful of your words. They may lead to anger
A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1 exposes the potential hidden in our words. It states, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” This verse enlightens us on the duality of our words: they can either pacify or incite anger. It’s a call to mindfulness, urging us to choose words that foster peace and comprehension.
Now, consider an event in biblical history, namely Judges 12:1-6. This narrative features Jephthah, a brave warrior, and the Ephraimite men.
A dispute, based on tribal loyalty and wartime support, escalated into a catastrophic conflict due to harsh words. The price was high: 42,000 Ephraimite lives were lost. This tragedy underscores the destructive potential of unkind words.
Let’s relate this to our daily lives. Have you witnessed an argument originating from an angry comment? Perhaps a friend voiced a hurtful remark without assessing the consequences. Such memories persist, potentially harming the relationship indefinitely. Words of anger, akin to seeds in a garden, may grow into prickly resentment.
How then do we navigate our verbal exchanges wisely? Ephesians 4:29 provides instruction: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” This scripture advocates for constructive and uplifting discourse.
Similarly, Colossians 4:6 advises, “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Here, the metaphor of a meal is utilized. Picture your words as ingredients: a sprinkle of kindness, a dash of patience, each word selected to bestow grace upon the listener.
The application of these teachings commences with mindful communication. Prior to responding, especially in tense circumstances, pause. Contemplate the implications of your words: Will they pacify or provoke anger?
Remember, the power to either avert wrath or kindle anger is within you. Opt for wisdom in your choice of words. In doing so, not only will you manage your temper, but you’ll also inspire others to do the same. In this manner, you contribute to a climate of peace and understanding, embodying the role of a peacemaker.
5. James 1:19-20 – Slow to anger bible verse
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires
In the realm of managing anger, James 1:19-20 reveals a path we can follow: “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…”. This verse throws the spotlight on how patience, understanding, and active listening are integral to the anger management process.
What does being ‘quick to listen’ entail? It involves genuinely understanding emotions and perspectives underlying the spoken words. This swift act of listening offers an advantage. It enables us to respond with understanding, not anger.
The next part, ‘slow to speak’, comes with a reminder. Our words hold power, capable of inciting conflict if wielded rashly. By speaking slowly, we take time to weigh our words, reducing the chance of regrettable utterances.
Let’s breathe life into these teachings with an example from the Bible itself. In 1 Samuel 24, David found himself in a position where he could have easily given in to anger. He had the chance to kill King Saul, his enemy.
But what did David do? He chose patience. He chose respect for God’s anointed. He demonstrated that even in the face of adversity, being ‘slow to anger’ is possible.
Now, imagine a person dealing with a difficult neighbor. It’s all too easy for minor disagreements to escalate into larger disputes.
However, if this person chooses to be ‘slow to anger,’ to listen before speaking, to show patience, then these small disagreements lose their power. In this way, an everyday situation becomes a testament to the power of overcoming anger, to controlling one’s temper.
In essence, James 1:19-20 doesn’t just preach ‘slow to anger’. It offers a practical toolkit: listening quickly and speaking slowly. Implementing these strategies can better our interactions, leading us to manage anger more effectively.
So, when anger looms, remember James’ wisdom. Pause. Listen. Respond. It might be challenging initially, but trust me, it can transform your emotional landscape, steering you towards the virtue of being slow to anger.
6. Ephesians 4:31 – We must get rid of Anger as Christians
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice
Let’s unpack Ephesians 4:31. This verse gives a clear directive: Eliminate anger. Not just suppress it – entirely remove it. But why?
Anger clouds judgment. It obstructs virtues like forgiveness, love, and understanding. Picture Jonah in the fourth chapter of his book. His anger towards the repentant city of Nineveh was so persistent, it eclipsed his compassion. He chose wrath over understanding, anger over love.
Instead of acknowledging the transformative power of God’s mercy on Nineveh, Jonah seethed. As Christians, we are called to follow a different path. A path where we let go of our anger and open our hearts to understanding and love.
Why must we follow this path? Because it’s transformative. We’re called to mirror divine forgiveness as stated in Colossians 3:13. This call complements our directive from Ephesians. It’s not about anger management, but a total removal of negativity, creating a space for virtues aligned with God’s will.
So, how do we apply this in daily life? First, acknowledge anger when it arises. Then, choose a different response. Respond with patience. Express feelings respectfully. Seek resolution, not conflict.
In addition, practice forgiveness. It’s about forgiving others and ourselves too. Recognize flaws, work on them, and refrain from self-resentment.
Ephesians 4:31 is a transformational call. It invites us on a journey. From anger to love. From misunderstanding to comprehension. It’s a journey, so let’s embrace patience, each step drawing us closer to God. It’s a call to eradicate anger, and cultivate love.
As Christians, we can achieve this transformation. It’s challenging, yes, but undoubtedly worthwhile.
7. Proverbs 15:18 – Do not be hot-tempered
A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict,but the one who is patient calms a quarrel
Proverbs 15:18, a verse rich with wisdom. It says, “A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel.” But what does it mean to be “hot-tempered,” as depicted in this verse? Let’s delve into that.
To be hot-tempered is to react swiftly and angrily to situations that might not warrant such a strong reaction. It’s a hair-trigger temper that’s always ready to explode, often without much provocation. An impatient driver honking at the car in front just a second after the traffic light turns green – that’s an example of a hot temper in action.
And what happens when this quick anger rears its head? Chaos follows, just like the verse warns. A heated argument ensues in traffic, causing a gridlock and ruining the day for many others.
It brings to mind the story of King Ahab from 1 Kings 21. Ahab, driven by his hot temper and a covetous spirit, unjustly seizes Naboth’s vineyard. This unjust act, fueled by Ahab’s unrestrained anger, kindles God’s wrath.
Consequently, a prophecy of doom is spoken over Ahab’s dynasty. This historical event underlines the severe consequences that can result from unchecked anger and the acts it can spur us to commit.
When a hot temper consistently dictates our reactions, relationships suffer. Friends, family, and partners can become wary, treading lightly to avoid triggering an outburst. Furthermore, impulsive decisions made in anger often lead to regret and irrevocable harm.
Another verse, Proverbs 14:17, echoes the caution against quick temper. It depicts the potential for senseless actions and ensuing animosity, further illustrating the negative impact of unchecked anger.
The Bible, however, offers a solution – patience. I believe that patience isn’t just about restraining anger. It’s an active choice to remain composed despite provocation. A simple deep breath in a moment of mounting frustration can signify this choice.
Implementing the teachings of Proverbs 15:18 in daily life isn’t a monumental task. It begins with small, conscious actions like taking a pause when anger swells. Remembering the adverse outcomes of unchecked anger can aid this process.
8. Colossians 3:8 – bible verses against anger
But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips
Colossians 3:8 stands as a bold beacon, imploring us to relinquish anger. It’s an explicit message, an emphatic order emanating from the text itself.
So, why does this verse offer such a stern command against anger? To fully comprehend this, we need to delve deeper into the scripture’s context. Colossians 3 forms part of a letter written by Paul to the Colossian church.
He urged them to seek the things that are above, urging them to put to death what is earthly in them. Anger, in this context, is grouped with other “earthly” behaviors that are incongruent with a Christian’s new nature. It’s perceived as a sinful outburst, a volatile reaction that obscures our Christian virtues.
Examining Galatians 5:19-21 further underscores this point. Paul catalogues the “works of the flesh,” contrasting them with the “fruit of the Spirit.” Noticeably, fits of rage are listed among the works of the flesh, underlining the destructive nature of anger.
Ephesians 4:26-27 expands on this theme. “In your anger do not sin,” we’re instructed. Essentially, feeling anger is human. Yet, when left unchecked, it leads us towards sin. We must curb it before it festers into resentment or worse, vengeance.
Nevertheless, the Bible isn’t asking us to stifle our emotions. The Christian perspective on anger is nuanced. It distinguishes between righteous indignation and uncontrollable rage.
One key example comes from Matthew 23. Jesus displayed righteous anger against the Pharisees and law teachers. His anger arose from his zeal for God’s holiness and his love for people. His rebuke was sharp, corrective, not destructive.
So, how can we manage anger in light of these scriptures? Acknowledging our emotions is the first step. We must feel it, not be controlled by it. Next, we should seek to embody the fruits of the Spirit. These traits empower us to react differently to situations that provoke anger.
Remember Ephesians 4:27, “do not give the devil a foothold.” Anger shouldn’t linger. I suggest following Jesus’ example. Let our anger be directed towards sin, not people. We should aim to correct, not destroy.
In summary, Colossians 3:8 invites us to put on our new selves. It guides us away from anger, towards a realm of grace, love, and peace. It’s an exquisite transformation, one that with God’s grace, we can accomplish.
9. Psalm 103:8 – God is slow to anger
The Lord is compassionate and gracious,slow to anger, abounding in love
Psalm 103:8 reveals a compelling truth about God: He is “slow to anger.” This divine quality signifies boundless love and endless grace, which we witness in Numbers 14:18. How can this inform our journey to control anger? Let’s explore.
In Exodus 32, God demonstrated His restraint. Despite Israel’s idolatry, He withheld punishment. Moses interceded, pleading for mercy, and God responded in kind. This incident showcases divine patience, an attribute we can mirror in our lives.
You may ask, “Why is this essential? How does this apply to our battles with anger?” The answer lies in reflection. When anger stirs within us, let’s recall God’s character. He, despite being the all-powerful Creator, chooses patience. This thought can empower us to manage our own anger.
Human tendencies push us towards quick retaliation when wronged. However, Nehemiah 9:17 echoes God’s patience, love, and readiness to forgive. This serves as a reminder. If God can extend such grace, can’t we strive to do the same?
Emulating God’s patience in our daily interactions may seem challenging, but it’s not about perfection. Instead, it’s about choosing grace and patience, especially when faced with anger.
So, as we step into a world often marked by conflict, let’s commit to embodying patience, grace, and love. By doing so, we can become more like our God – slow to anger. I believe this approach can bring us the peace we seek in controlling our anger.
10. Proverbs 22:24
Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man
Proverbs 22:24 warns against befriending those consumed by anger. This advice from the Book of Proverbs isn’t trivial—it’s profound. This verse alerts us to avoid close ties with people whose anger dominates them. The implication? Constant exposure to such anger breeds tension and fear.
Why should we heed this warning? Surrounding ourselves with perpetually angry individuals can alter our behavior. It keeps us anxious, perpetually anticipating the next eruption of rage. Over time, our mental health may suffer, leading to stress and anxiety.
How should we navigate relationships with such individuals? The Bible counsels us to respond with calmness and understanding, not to fan the flames of their fury. We shouldn’t shun them completely, but we should maintain an emotional boundary.
As 1 Corinthians 15:33 advises, “Bad company corrupts good character.” This advice underscores the importance of discernment in our choice of companions.
Consider the tale of Shimei from 2 Samuel 16. Shimei, brimming with uncontrolled anger, threw stones and curses at King David. However, David displayed immense self-control, opting not to retaliate. This story is a vivid demonstration of the wisdom in avoiding engagement with uncontrollable anger.
In conclusion, the Bible provides valuable advice on managing relationships with perpetually angry individuals. It encourages discernment in choosing our companions, promotes peace, and values composure when confronted with unrestrained anger.
Keeping this advice in mind, we can navigate the complexities of relationships more effectively. We can respond wisely to anger, promoting peace and love, as the Bible advises.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How to heal anger with God?
Healing anger with God can be achieved through seeking divine wisdom and forgiveness. Scriptures such as James 1:19-20 emphasize being slow to anger, a trait desired by God.
What Psalm is letting go of anger?
Letting go of anger is vividly portrayed in Psalm 37:8. It instructs us to refrain from anger, as dwelling on it can lead to harmful consequences.
What Bible verse helps with anger?
Verses like Proverbs 15:1 are immensely useful in dealing with anger. It highlights the power of gentle words in turning away wrath, and the ability of harsh words to ignite it.
What to pray to control anger?
Prayers for controlling anger might encompass seeking God’s peace and patience, mirroring the fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. Asking for wisdom and empathy can also prove beneficial.
What do the Proverbs suggest you should do to calm an angry man?
Proverbs provides useful advice on calming an angry person. Proverbs 15:18, for instance, encourages patience and calmness to prevent conflicts and cool hot tempers.
How does God say to control anger?
The Bible, in passages such as Ephesians 4:26-27, advocates for controlling anger so as not to sin, urging us to resolve our anger swiftly.
What are some Bible verses about anger and forgiveness?
Verses like Colossians 3:13 emphasize the importance of forgiveness in dealing with anger. It encourages us to be forgiving as God has forgiven us.
Which Bible verses can help calm anger?
James 1:19, encouraging quick listening, slow speaking, and slow anger, is a helpful verse for calming anger.
What is the Bible verse about anger and self-control in the King James Version (KJV)?
Proverbs 16:32 (KJV) focuses on self-control over anger, valuing patience and ruling one’s spirit over might and conquest.
Are there any scriptures in the Bible on anger and resentment?
Ephesians 4:31-32, instructing us to replace bitterness, wrath, and anger with kindness, tenderness, and forgiveness, speaks volumes about anger and resentment.
Can you provide examples of sinful anger in the Bible?
Sinful anger is exemplified in Genesis 4, where Cain’s anger against Abel leads to murder, showing how unchecked anger can result in grave sin.
Are there any Bible verses that can help with anger and depression?
For those struggling with anger and depression, Psalm 42:11 offers solace, encouraging hope and trust in God.
What are the consequences of anger according to the Bible?
The Bible, in Proverbs 29:22, teaches that unchecked anger can stir up conflict and lead to many sins, highlighting the importance of self-control and peaceful conflict resolution.
Ionita Heinze
Saturday 7th of August 2021
Very helpful. Thank you very much.