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Powerful Morning prayer for your children

Isn’t our God a good God?

He is always watching over us all through the night.

Whether we ask or not, he is always guarding every one of our family.

And that’s why we must thank God for protecting every member of our family, especially our children.

A few days back, my son was playing on a chair, and suddenly he fell and hit his head on the concrete floor.

He was crying uncontrollably for hours, and I could easily feel his pain.

But I’m thankful that it didn’t get worse than that, rather than a few bruises and swelling.

There are many ways God protects our children even when we are helpless.

If your baby has woken up this morning in good health, it is crucial we give thanks to God.

And more importantly, a morning prayer to start the day for your child protection is a wise decision.

So, this morning, we will pray for our children.

We will ask God to protect them from evil.

I have put together this morning’s prayer for your children to guide you.

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Morning prayer for your children

Morning prayer for your children

Let’s begin with giving thanks.

This morning, before we go out to work, we must pray for ourselves, our family, and our kids.

God has been faithful in protecting our children from harm’s way.

Yesterday, at work, I saw a woman who struggled with infertility for many years.

I could remember about three years ago; her husband collapsed on hearing that she had a miscarriage.

But in the end, God protected her pregnancy and fulfilled their dreams.

She was joyously playing with her child forgetting all the troubles she went through.

When God comes in, sadness and unhappiness go out.

Likewise, God has done many great things for our household and children.

If you are happy with your kids, don’t take God’s love for your children for granted.

He watches everything and has preserved your kids all through the night.

Therefore, for all he has done, we must give thanks.

The scripture says,

give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Powerful Morning prayer for your children

Let us pray

Dear Lord, the giver of all good gifts, my heart brims with gratitude this new dawn. In the spirit of Psalm 127:3, You’ve blessed me with children, life’s greatest treasure. Father, how can I express my joy? Each child is a beautiful masterpiece, the beacon lighting my life’s journey.

Everlasting Father, You embody protection. Your love wraps us in an impenetrable shield, as Psalm 91 attests. Your divine guard stood sentry over my family, over my children. Not once did we feel adrift. Oh, how my spirit rejoices!

Bountiful Provider, Your generosity knows no bounds. As echoed in Psalm 34:10, You meet our needs, leaving no room for want. For the food on our table, for the roof above our heads, I thank You. Your provisions are tangible tokens of Your ceaseless love.

In the stillness of the night, the wings of Your angels hovered over my children. Inspired by Hebrews 1:14, they stand guard against the enemy’s plots. Almighty, the peace this knowledge brings is indescribable.

You are the embodiment of glory, Lord. I am but a vessel, returning all praises to You. Your mercies have marked our path with triumphs, turning our lives into a melody of adoration.

As my children step out today, for school or play, I recall Deuteronomy 31:6. Your divine presence promises courage and safety. You are their guide, their shield. Lord, I rest in this assurance.

In Your love, Lord, my children find their joy. Like streams in the desert, Your joy brings life, banishing sorrow. In my absence, You are their Good Shepherd, leading them to green pastures.

Father, guide my children from toxic friendships. May Proverbs 13:20 be their reality, mingling with the wise to gain wisdom. Against every sinister spirit, I stand in Your authority. They shall not prevail.

Heavenly Father, intervene in my children’s lives. May they embody Nehemiah’s joy, their strength found in You. I pray, let their hearts be gardens where Your joy blossoms unceasingly.

In Your hallowed name, I submit these prayers. Amen.

The children God has given you are for signs and wonders.

Your sons and daughters are for signs and wonders.

As they go about their activities, God will open their heart to see the secrets of the world.

They will be blessed among their contemporaries.

Their friend will envy their brilliance and prowess.

God has not given us children to trouble us. He has not given us kids to remove peace from our minds.

So, this morning, we will reject all forms of deviant behavior we have noticed in our kids.

We want our children to be prosperous and obedient.

The scripture says,

Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion

Isaiah 8:18

Powerful Morning prayer for your children

Let us pray

Beloved Father, how I cherish the gift of my children! You, in your wisdom, have made me their steward (Psalm 127:3). Each new day brings a rush of gratitude.

As they journey through the day, let them inspire. Just as the moon reflects the sun, may they reflect Your glory (Matthew 5:14). Through their words, actions, and spirit, let them be a marvel to the world.

Heavenly Father, let Your power guard them. Shield them from harm as You did with Job (Job 1:10). Make them unseen to those with ill intentions.

Ensure their steps, both leaving and returning, are under Your protection (Deuteronomy 28:6). Send your angels to accompany them (Psalm 91:11). Their safety is in Your hands.

Protect their friendships, Lord. Let no disaster strike them or their friends (Proverbs 18:24). Bless them with long lives, free from untimely loss (Psalm 91:16).

Pour out Your mercy upon them, Almighty. Shower them with Your favor. Let Your blessings chase them as the goodness and mercy followed David (Psalm 23:6).

You know my children, Father. You see their temptations and struggles (Hebrews 4:15). Remove destructive behaviors that the enemy might plant. Set them free, as You delivered Israel from Egypt (Exodus 6:6).

May my children honor their parents (Exodus 20:12). Let them appreciate our love, seeking to understand its depth. Respect and love should be their watchwords.

Above all, Father, let them seek You. Just as the deer pants for water, may their souls long for You (Psalm 42:1). Imbue them with a desire to know and obey Your commandments (John 14:15).

I end this prayer with gratitude, Almighty Father. Trusting in Your divine providence, I am confident that You hear my prayers (1 John 5:14). My heart overflows with thankfulness for Your protection and love over my children. Amen.

The Lord will watch over them and protect them.

This morning’s prayer for children’s protection is vital.

And that’s because we cannot, on our own, protect our kids.

About a month ago, as I was driving out of the health center, a young boy was being rushed into the hospital.

He was just knocked down by a speeding motorcycle as he was playing.

Despite all our efforts, we could not bring the baby back to life.

The truth is, we must pray for the protection of our children.

As they go to school, we must ask for safety.

As they play in the neighborhood or at home, we will ask God for safety.

We are helpless without God’s intervention.

The scripture says,

Psalm 121:7

The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life;

Powerful Morning prayer for your children

Let us pray

Loving Father, as dawn breaks, I turn to You. My kids? They’re Yours today. Yes, our true safety nestles in Your divine embrace, not my watchful gaze. We live in challenging times, dear Lord, making your vigilance vital.

My plea? Protect them, Father. You’re their rock, their refuge. Defend them against lurking dangers, against harm that the world might spin. Like the psalmist says, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer” (Psalm 18:2), let them find shelter in You.

Weapons may be forged, malice may arise. Yet, in You, no harm thrives. Your promise rings true in Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon forged against you will prevail.” This, I claim for them, Lord.

When the going gets tough, stretch forth Your mighty hand. Amidst life’s storms, be their guiding light. In Your grandeur, be their comfort. Make Psalm 46:1, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble,” their daily testimony.

Guide their friendships, too, Lord. Usher away those who may stray them from Your path. Instead, steer them towards friendships that reflect Your love. Like Proverbs 13:20 urges, “Walk with the wise and become wise”, lead them to wise companions.

Thank You, The Almighty, for Your constant ear. You understand our unspoken hearts, answering before we even ask. Such a wonder You are! As the psalmist declares in Psalm 116:1, “I love the Lord, for He heard my voice”, may they experience Your divine listening heart.

This prayer I offer, in Your Holy name. With humble hearts and bowed heads, we surrender. Your will, always our compass. Today and forevermore. Amen.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the powerful morning prayer for school?

As a new day dawns, we ask, Dear Lord, for your guidance in our children’s classrooms. Drawing from Proverbs 2:6, we seek your wisdom and understanding for them. Bless them with peace, confidence, and safety. Enlighten our teachers to be your instruments of truth. We trust in your love and protection, and submit this day to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

What is a powerful morning prayer for my son?

Dawn brings a fresh start for my son, Lord. Shower him with your wisdom, courage, and strength. May your divine guidance lead his decisions today and always. In accordance with Proverbs 22:6, may he walk a path that leads to righteousness and never strays. Shield his heart, mind, and body from harm, I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

What is a powerful morning prayer for children?

Gratitude fills my heart as I pray for my children, Lord. Guide them through their day with your divine wisdom, strength, and joy. May they lead with your love and grace in every encounter. Psalm 127:3 tells us that children are a reward from you. May they always feel your loving presence, we pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

What is a short morning prayer for my children?

I greet the morning sun with gratitude, Lord, and place my children in your care. Let your wisdom and love guide and protect them throughout the day. In line with Proverbs 3:5-6, may they trust in your divine direction. I pray they remain open to your works in all they do, Amen.

What is the best prayer for my children?

As I thank God for the gift of my children, I pray they walk in your light. Guard them and guide their choices. Jeremiah 29:11 promises a hopeful future under your watch. May this promise resonate in their lives as I entrust them to you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

How do you pray a blessing to a child?

I ask for your divine blessing over this child, Heavenly Father. Let them grow in wisdom and favor with you and others, following Jesus’ path as shown in Luke 2:52. Jeremiah 29:13 assures that seekers will find you. Let this child’s life overflow with blessings, health, and faith. Amen.

What is the best simple morning prayer for kids?

As a new day dawns, I ask for your guidance, God. Keep me safe in my lessons and play, and help me spread kindness. Let me rejoice in this day you have created, as Psalm 118:24 encourages. I trust in your care, Amen.

What is the prayer for children’s protection?

I invoke your protection over my children, Father. Envelop them in your divine safety, as promised in Psalm 91:11. May your angels guide them and your peace surround them in every situation. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Can you share a short prayer for children’s day?

On this special Children’s Day, we celebrate the gift of children, Lord. Guided by Luke 2:52, we pray they grow in wisdom and stature, and find favor with God and people. May they experience your boundless love and truth. We pray for your abundant blessings, in your name, Amen.

What is the Catholic prayer for child protection?

St. Michael the Archangel, we seek your protection for our children. Guard them against wickedness and snares, casting evil spirits into the abyss by God’s power. May they remain under your strong shield, safe from harm. Amen.

Do you have any prayers for children to say?

As a child, I thank you for this day, God. Keep my family and friends safe and help us spread kindness. Psalm 136:1 praises your enduring love. Help me excel in school and discover new knowledge. I express my gratitude for your love, God. Amen.

How can I pray to protect my child from evil?

I beseech you, Heavenly Father, to protect my child from evil. Psalm 121:7 promises your protective watch over our lives. Stand guard over their life, guide their discernment, and lead them on a righteous path. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

What is the parents’ prayer for children?

We express our gratitude for our children, Lord. As we navigate the challenges of parenthood, grant us wisdom, patience, and understanding to guide them in your love. Proverbs 22:6 encourages us to train our children in righteousness. Help us do so, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

What are some children’s prayers of thanks?

With a thankful heart, I acknowledge your blessings, God. I’m grateful for my loving family, our nourishment, our home, and the world you created. As 1 Chronicles 16:34 reminds us, we thank you for your enduring love, God. Amen.

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Author: Akatakpo DunnDr. Akatakpo Dunn is a dedicated follower of Christ, an active member and speaker, and an ongoing learner of the Scriptures. Passionate about his faith and serving others, he is committed to sharing his spiritual journey and insights to inspire and uplift fellow believers. He has been active in the church for more than 23 years. Through The Faithful Christian Blog, Dr. Dunn combines his love for God, philanthropy, and Scripture, providing a valuable resource for those seeking to grow in their faith. Follow me: on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Akatakpo Dunn

Dr. Akatakpo Dunn is a dedicated follower of Christ, an active member and speaker, and an ongoing learner of the Scriptures. Passionate about his faith and serving others, he is committed to sharing his spiritual journey and insights to inspire and uplift fellow believers. He has been active in the church for more than 23 years. Through The Faithful Christian Blog, Dr. Dunn combines his love for God, philanthropy, and Scripture, providing a valuable resource for those seeking to grow in their faith. Follow me: on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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