We’ve all heard about the bible’s command on love.
That we should love our neighbors and treat them equally.
That is, we should care for their needs and assist them in the best way we can.
But, what does the bible say about loving yourself? Is it unscriptural to do so?
There is nothing wrong with loving yourself.
In fact, there are numerous bible verses about loving yourself we can fall on.
These scriptures teach us to love ourselves the way we are.
But we must be careful not to overdo it.
There are lots of misconceptions about self-love.
That, you must love yourself first before loving others.
This is entirely not what the scripture teaches.
Christ has commanded us to show love to others just the same way we love ourselves.
That’s where self-love comes in.
You need to eat, drink, look good, be happy, and be content with yourself.
It would be best if you also had a sense of self-worth.
There is no need to look down on yourself in any manner or form.
God has created you in his image, and you are beautifully made.
So, stay happy and love yourself the way you are.
I have compiled bible verses about loving your body to inspire you today.
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Bible verses about loving yourself
Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Imagine yourself as a unique artwork, skillfully crafted by the Divine Artist – God. Psalm 139:14, an extraordinary verse about loving yourself, extols this concept, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Acknowledging ourselves as God’s masterpieces fosters a liberating self-perception.
Jeremiah 1:5 supplements this notion, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” A profound intimacy exists between God and us, highlighting our divine crafting and purpose. Recognizing this truth empowers us with self-love.
Like an admired artwork, we’re endowed with unique qualities. We’re distinctly fashioned by God, each with bespoke talents and skills. Appreciating our uniqueness cultivates self-love. This appreciation impacts our self-perception and our interactions with others.
Isaiah 64:8 metaphorically portrays God as the Potter, shaping us, His clay. By recognizing God’s craftsmanship in ourselves, we see our divine worth. This awareness propels self-love, promoting a wholesome self-image, and enriches our relationships.
Examining biblical narratives, King David’s example strikes a chord. Amidst struggles, he recognized his life and body as divine gifts. His psalms echo a profound self-worth based on God’s hand in his creation. His self-recognition fostered a closer bond with God.
In contemporary life, a poignant real-life instance mirrors this. A person recovering from an eating disorder started seeing their body as a beautiful creation. Their recognition of their unique, wonderful nature fostered their healing and self-love.
We are God’s unique creations, shaped with divine love and purpose. Acknowledging our worth in God’s eyes empowers self-love and influences our relationships positively.
The beauty of self-love, reflecting God’s love for us, is a testament to our divine creation. Embrace it, for you are wonderfully made.
Genesis 1:26
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
Genesis 1:26 imparts profound insight into our divine origin. We’re crafted in God’s image – a truth carrying rich implications.
This likeness mirrors God’s character and bestows inherent dignity. It cultivates self-love, affirming our inherent worth, which comes from our divine origin.
What does it mean to be God’s mirror? It implies that our emotional and spiritual faculties reflect the Divine. It’s not merely a physical resemblance. Rather, it’s an invitation to radiate God’s love and grace, enhancing our self-value.
God’s image grants us unique stature. As Psalm 8:5 highlights, we’re “crowned with glory and honor.” These attributes confirm our inherent worth, facilitating self-love. We’re a notch below angels, yet bestowed with honor and glory. This divine recognition cultivates self-esteem.
However, this honor also demands responsibility. We’re entrusted with authority over all creatures, as Genesis 1:26 articulates. This isn’t merely a privilege. It’s a duty, promoting responsible stewardship. Acknowledging this responsibility strengthens our self-image, boosting our self-esteem.
Our role in creation is significant. We’re intentional designs of a loving Creator. As 1 Corinthians 11:7 underscores, man is “the image and glory of God.” This divine mark bolsters self-love, confirming we’re no accidental by-products of creation.
This truth comes to life in the story of Adam and Eve. God didn’t just create them, He gave them dominion over all creatures. Their authority to rule was a practical demonstration of their God-given dignity. They were designed for a purpose, and so are we.
Embracing our divine origin fosters self-love. Recognizing I’m created purposefully, wielding a unique authority, I cultivate a healthier self-image. This self-love, impervious to worldly opinions, stems from knowing our divine origin and purpose.
In conclusion, our divine image comprises honor, responsibility, and a significant role. Grasping this truth breeds a resilient self-love. It’s a love that acknowledges our worth, embraces our authority, and fulfills our divine responsibility.
This love, anchored in divine truth, fortifies a healthy self-image.
Genesis 1:27
27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27 tells us, “God created man in His image, male and female He created them.” This text imparts a crucial lesson about self-acceptance and love.
The dual-gendered nature of God’s creation in this verse is evident. Both sexes, male and female, were intentional acts of divine craftsmanship. No hierarchy exists between them; they share equally in the divine image. Appreciating this fact can shape how we view ourselves and others.
Matthew 19:4, where Christ refers back to Genesis, emphasizes the sacred and equal nature of gender. Each person is not a random act, but a unique, divine creation. Accepting this truth can foster a deep sense of self-worth and love.
We find a further affirmation of individual worth in Galatians 3:28. This verse breaks down barriers of culture, class, and gender, affirming unity and equality under God.
The story of Priscilla and Aquila in the early church exemplifies this. Priscilla, a woman, and Aquila, a man, were both highly respected teachers in the early church, showing that God’s gifts are not limited by gender.
Priscilla’s wisdom was not seen as less valuable because of her gender. Instead, she was equally involved in the process of teaching and leading.
This instance paints a vivid picture of harmony and equality between sexes within Christianity.
I recall a contemporary example of a man who, guided by his understanding of divine equality, treats all women with respect. This behavior reflects the power of recognizing our divine origins, leading to self-love and respect for others.
The teaching in Genesis 1:27 is a call to acknowledge our divine origin. This understanding can inspire self-love and mutual respect.
Each one of us, regardless of our gender, is a crucial part of God’s grand design and deeply valuable in His eyes. This viewpoint can guide us towards self-acceptance and love, rooted in our shared divine heritage.
In summary, Genesis 1:27 serves as a guidepost on our journey towards self-acceptance and love. Recognizing our divine origins allows us to respect ourselves and others and appreciate the invaluable worth that we hold in God’s eyes.
Psalm 104:24
How many are your works, Lord!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
Psalm 104:24 paints a picture of God’s boundless creativity. This verse highlights the diversity and beauty of His creations, from the smallest creature to the grandest celestial body. Reflecting on this marvel, we can recognize our place within this divine tapestry of life.
Each of us is a unique creation. Like every creature and landscape crafted by God, we’re each wonderfully designed.
This recognition shifts our self-image. Instead of perceiving ourselves through societal or media lens, we see ourselves as divine art, celebrating our bodies as God’s creations.
When we understand our bodies as God’s masterpieces, gratitude follows. Romans 1:20 reminds us that the divine nature is visible in the world around us.
God’s love for diversity and balance is evident in nature’s intricacies. This realization elicits appreciation for our unique place within creation.
Interconnectedness is another crucial theme in nature. Every creature and system in nature, large or small, has a purpose, and so do we.
Recognizing our role within this network can boost our self-worth. We play an essential part in maintaining the balance of God’s grand design, just like every creature in nature.
For example, Job, in his suffering, came to a greater appreciation for the beauty and majesty of God’s creation. Despite his own physical affliction, he recognized his integral role within God’s grand design (Job 38-41).
His suffering did not devalue him; instead, it led him closer to understanding the grandeur of God’s creation and his valuable part in it.
In conclusion, Psalm 104:24 invites us to celebrate God’s creation’s diversity, acknowledging our unique place within it. We are part of God’s grand design, beautifully crafted and profoundly loved.
This understanding can deepen our love for ourselves, fostering gratitude and humility.
Ephesians 5:29
After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church—
Ephesians 5:29 proffers profound insights about self-appreciation. It highlights the significance of nourishing and cherishing our bodies, just as Christ loves the church. Imagine treating your body with the same reverence and love you give to sacred places. What a revolutionary thought!
Let’s ponder on 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. We’re informed our bodies are “temples of the Holy Spirit.” They are not ours; they were bought at a high price.
So, we must honor God with them. Isn’t this notion transformative? Recognizing the sanctity of our bodies can indeed nurture self-love.
Now, think back to an Old Testament story. Do you remember Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Book of Daniel?
They refused to defile their bodies by eating the king’s food, which was against their dietary laws. A compelling example of their respect for their bodies as temples, don’t you think?
In today’s context, honoring our bodies can mean simple health-conscious choices. Opting for a salad over fast food or preferring stairs to elevators are examples. These choices honor our bodies’ sanctity and foster a spiritual form of self-love.
Romans 12:1 reveals the final layer. We should offer our bodies as “living sacrifices,” a reflection of true worship.
By nurturing our bodies, we’re also offering God something pleasing. As Paul aptly puts it, our bodies should be kept holy. Isn’t this a fulfilling aspect of our spiritual journey?
In sum, Ephesians 5:29, coupled with the other verses, uncovers a unique roadmap to self-love. It implores us to respect our bodies, nourish them, and view them as sacred spaces. All these concepts blend seamlessly, forming an essential part of our spiritual growth.
By embracing a healthier relationship with ourselves, we’re embarking on a journey of self-discovery and love.
Ecclesiastes 4:5
Fools fold their hands
and ruin themselves.
Let’s explore Ecclesiastes 4:5, a verse imbued with wisdom about self-love and work-life balance. It warns us about the danger of idleness, portraying it as a destructive force. Idle hands, as the scripture indicates, erode our self-worth.
Now, consider Proverbs 6:6-8. Ants, in their wisdom, balance work and rest, showing us the value of both. They labor, they gather, they rest. This balance serves as an example to us.
I have found that the key to self-appreciation isn’t in endless striving. Instead, it lies in a balanced lifestyle. The Bible encourages neither constant work nor complete idleness. Instead, it promotes equilibrium.
Work, in a balanced life, can become a form of worship, a celebration of God’s creativity within us. Take the Apostle Paul as an example.
He combined his spiritual responsibilities with physical labor, tentmaking, while undertaking his missionary work (Acts 18:3). This balance of spiritual and physical exertion demonstrates the harmony that we should aim for.
Consider a contemporary example: a friend who adeptly balances a demanding job with personal commitments. She understands the importance of taking time to rest and recharge.
This balance isn’t merely about physical health; it’s an act of self-love. Her balanced approach boosts her self-esteem and productivity, making her life satisfying.
Let’s strive for balance, for it’s through balance that we express self-love and affirm our worth. We are complex beings, not machines.
We’re designed for creativity, exploration, and growth. An active lifestyle, balanced with adequate rest, is not just a lifestyle choice. It’s a validation of our value and a profound expression of self-love.
So, let’s embrace the wisdom of Ecclesiastes 4:5. Work diligently, rest appropriately, and love ourselves fully. Each is a thread in the tapestry of our existence, contributing to a balanced and satisfying life.
Proverbs 11:17
Those who are kind benefit themselves,
but the cruel bring ruin on themselves.
In Proverbs 11:17, a profound truth surfaces: “The merciful man does good to his own soul.” This ancient wisdom unveils a symbiotic bond – our kindness to others nurtures our self-respect.
This verse emphasizes kindness’s reciprocal nature. Imagine a pebble rippling a pond – our acts of kindness create similar waves of goodwill. This reciprocity isn’t merely societal; it’s a spiritual law interwoven in our existence.
Christ’s teachings illuminate this truth. His Golden Rule, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matthew 7:12), inspires an empathetic approach to relationships. It’s not about equal exchange but rather nurturing genuine love for others. In doing so, we also learn to love ourselves.
Let’s consider the Good Samaritan’s story. This Samaritan crossed societal norms to aid an injured stranger (Luke 10:25-37). This act wasn’t just a blessing to the stranger; it illuminated the Samaritan’s self-perception, affirming his self-respect and self-love.
Thus, kindness is more than an act; it’s a mirror reflecting our self-perception. Our treatment of others, especially the underprivileged, reflects our self-view. The more authentic kindness we exude, the brighter our self-respect illuminates.
Consider a volunteer at a local shelter. They altruistically strive to improve others’ lives. Consequently, they’re enriching not just the lives they touch but also nurturing their self-respect. In giving, we indeed receive.
In conclusion, Proverbs 11:17 invites us to recognize the link between the love we offer and self-love. Through our kindness, we nurture our souls.
As we navigate life, let’s remember that our kindness is a gift to ourselves too. Reflecting on my life, I’m motivated to extend kindness, knowing it’s a pathway to self-love and body appreciation.
Proverbs 19:8
The one who gets wisdom loves life;
the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.
In the wisdom-laden Proverbs 19:8, self-love emerges as an enriching pursuit of wisdom. “Whoever gets sense loves his own soul; he who keeps understanding will discover good.” A potent call to intertwine wisdom and self-love.
Wisdom is more than an unreachable ideal. It’s practical, tangible, and linked to understanding life, making good decisions, and discerning right from wrong.
Gaining wisdom is an investment in oneself. Think of it as sowing seeds in a garden. Each seed of wisdom, over time, blossoms into personal growth.
The biblical example of Solomon shines a light on this idea. When God offered him anything, Solomon chose wisdom (1 Kings 3:9).
He didn’t make this choice on a whim. He recognized wisdom’s significance in effective leadership and sound judgment. He saw wisdom as a pathway to personal growth and self-improvement.
Likewise, consider a dedicated student. They’re not only focused on good grades or future job prospects. Their educational journey is an act of self-love. It’s about personal development and becoming a wiser, more well-rounded individual.
Other scriptures further emphasize wisdom’s importance. Proverbs 16:16 states, “How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.”
Additionally, Proverbs 4:7 reads, “The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight.” These affirm the priceless value of wisdom and its role in self-understanding.
Improved self-understanding enhances our interactions. With better self-knowledge, you can manage your relationships more effectively.
Patience, empathy, and love become easier when you understand that everyone is on a growth journey, including yourself.
In summary, wisdom is not mere intelligence or knowledge. It’s a form of self-love. It promotes personal growth, reinforces self-worth, and improves our relationships.
Embracing wisdom enriches our lives profoundly. It’s a journey towards wisdom and self-love that we should all undertake. After all, by seeking wisdom, we discover the goodness that self-love brings.
Proverbs 8:35-36
For those who find me find life
and receive favor from the Lord.
36 But those who fail to find me harm themselves;
all who hate me love death.”
In Proverbs 8:35-36, wisdom is not just intellectual insight but a pathway to abundant life. Grasping wisdom equates to loving yourself, which we’ll explore here.
The scripture vividly communicates that wisdom’s pursuit is life’s pursuit. It isn’t about amassing facts but nurturing a deeper understanding of life. Recognizing this, the search for wisdom transforms into an act of self-love.
The verse’s second part cautions us about the repercussions of ignoring wisdom. Choosing to disregard wisdom means opting for a potentially regrettable path, filled with misunderstanding and pain.
Cross-referencing James 1:5 enlightens us further: God grants wisdom generously upon request. This pursuit of wisdom isn’t a solitary expedition but a supported journey towards a profound relationship with God. This connection nurtures spiritual growth, a fundamental element of self-love.
Jesus uses a powerful metaphor in Matthew 7:24-25. A wise person builds his life on a solid foundation – wisdom, ensuring stability, resilience, and security in life’s tempests. Such a commitment to building one’s life on wisdom equates to a significant self-loving act.
The Bereans, featured in Acts 17:10-11, are excellent wisdom-seekers in the Bible. They diligently examined scriptures to validate Paul’s teachings, demonstrating their commitment to truth, the pursuit of wisdom, and self-love.
I’d like to bring it home with a real-life example. Consider someone regularly engaging in self-reflection, consistently seeking advice from others, and always open to learning. Isn’t it a display of wisdom pursuit? It’s a commitment to personal growth, an affirmation of their worth, and ultimately, a deep expression of self-love.
So, Proverbs 8:35-36 teaches us that embracing wisdom is a profound self-loving act. It fosters spiritual growth and provides a robust foundation for life.
In wisdom’s pursuit, we affirm our worth and love ourselves more deeply. So, engage in the journey of understanding and embrace the full life it offers.
Mark 12:31
The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[a] There is no commandment greater than these.”
In the wealth of biblical wisdom, Mark 12:31 stands out. It instructs us to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” While it’s simple to focus on the neighbor, it’s crucial not to overlook the command’s secondary, yet essential component – self-love.
Echoed in Leviticus 19:18 and Matthew 22:39, this directive insists on the interrelation between self-love and love for others. Think of it as a pond. Your self-love is the first stone you drop, causing ripples that extend to loving others.
Contrary to societal misinterpretations, self-love doesn’t equate to narcissism. Instead, it’s the acceptance of our inherent worth as God’s creation. It’s about honoring ourselves, knowing we are deserving of respect and kindness.
John 13:1-17 presents Jesus washing His disciples’ feet. A powerful act of service, it upholds self-respect while demonstrating love for others. This balance underscores the essence of the command in Mark 12:31 – love for others shouldn’t undermine self-love but rather emerge from it.
In the same way, our acts of love towards others should never be at the expense of our self-love. Rather, they should flow naturally from it. Let’s make it real.
Picture someone juggling between a demanding job, community involvement, and personal well-being. In this whirlwind of responsibilities, they ensure they get enough sleep, eat healthily, and occasionally pamper themselves with a favorite hobby.
Simultaneously, they always spare a moment to check up on a friend. This, in essence, is practical self-love that breeds love for others.
Mark 12:31 isn’t solely about showing love to others. It’s also a divine endorsement of loving yourself. It emphasizes a reciprocal Christian love – internal self-love overflowing into external love for others.
Let’s revisit the command. Its inherent message is a call to love ourselves and extend that love to others. By embracing our worth and respecting our needs, we pave the way for a holistic expression of love.
In conclusion, Mark 12:31 should be seen as God’s affirmation of self-love. We can only give what we possess – love for others starts with self-love.
As we walk this path, may our self-love serve as the foundation for fulfilling the ultimate command: Love your neighbor as yourself.
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More Bible verses about loving your body
Romans 13:8
Romans 13:9
Matthew 22:39
Galatians 5:14
Matthew 7:12
Leviticus 19:18
Leviticus 19:34
2 Timothy 3:1-2
2 Peter 3:3
Philippians 2:21
Psalm 10:3
Jude 1:16
2 Timothy 3:4
James 4:6
Galatians 6:3
1 Corinthians 3:18
Proverbs 26:12
Romans 12:3
Romans 12:10
John 13:34-35
Philippians 2:3
Romans 5:8
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Love your body through these four critical steps
1. Love God first
There is no doubt that we must love God to be saved.
Loving God means we obey his commandments and do them.
There are numerous commandments in the scriptures.
If we keep God’s command, we have loved him wholeheartedly.
The scripture says,
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
2. Love your neighbors
This is the most powerful commandment in the scriptures.
And that’s because if you love your neighbors as yourself, you have loved God too.
Loving your neighbor means you are forward-thinking about their affair.
You help them when in need and stay away from anything that causes them pain.
That means you don’t steal from them or try to hurt them.
The scriptures say,
Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.
So, it’s that simple. Our love must be geared toward those around us.
We must help our family and friends in need.
Not just that, we must also love strangers and the poor.
By loving our neighbor sincerely, we have fulfilled all the commandments.
For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself
3. Love yourself after loving others
This is the undisputed truth of the scriptures.
If we must love others, it means we have inadvertently put their needs before ours.
For instance, if you help the poor, you have to love him even more than yourself.
Because whatever help you have given could have done something in your life (no matter how tiny it is).
But you have let it go because you have put their interest before yours.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves
4. Love your body the way you are
You have been created in the likeness of God.
The bible describes us as “gods.”
In other words, you are uniquely made by our Father in heaven.
There is no reason not to love yourself.
Whether black, white, chocolate, fair, thin, or obese, you must love the way you are created.
God has blessed you by giving you life, and you must cherish it.
Be content with how you look and forget what people say.
No one is ugly in God’s eyes because we are all beautifully made.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a Bible verse that talks about loving yourself before you can love others?
Matthew 22:39 speaks of a love that mirrors self-love. It asserts, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This line intimates that self-love is crucial to loving others.
Are there any Bible verses that mention loving yourself as God loves you?
Ephesians 5:29-30 addresses a form of self-love. It doesn’t explicitly refer to loving oneself as God loves us. The verse conveys that no one hates their own body but nourishes it, similar to Christ’s love for the church.
Can you provide some Bible verses that touch on self-acceptance?
Self-acceptance echoes in Romans 15:7, stating, “Accept one another, just as Christ accepted you.” Here, we infer the importance of accepting oneself, akin to Christ’s acceptance of us.
Are there any Bible verses that discuss loving your body?
The body is venerated in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. It describes our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, urging us to honor them. This text can be linked to loving one’s body.
Is there a prayer or Bible verse that asks God to teach us how to love ourselves?
A prayer for learning self-love doesn’t directly exist in the Bible. Nonetheless, Psalm 139:14 declares, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” This affirmation can inspire a prayer asking God to teach self-love.
Is there a Bible verse that encourages us to be easy on ourselves?
Lamentations 3:22-23 subtly encourages self-forgiveness. It highlights God’s never-ending mercy, suggesting that we, too, should show ourselves mercy. An indirect nod to being gentle with oneself.
What Bible verse tells you to love yourself?
Matthew 22:39 implies an instruction to love oneself. The command, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” assumes an inherent self-love.
Does the Bible tell us to love ourselves?
The Bible does not mandate egocentric self-love. However, Ephesians 5:29 suggests a form of natural, healthy self-love.
What does the Bible say about being happy with yourself?
Contentment is a form of happiness with oneself. Philippians 4:11-12 champions contentment, teaching us to be satisfied in all circumstances.
What Psalm verse is self-love?
Psalm 139:14 relates to self-love. It glorifies the individual’s creation, saying, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
How can I love myself?
Galatians 5:22-23 subtly instructs on self-love. It lists virtues such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These virtues guide one to self-love.
How do I ask God for self-love?
No explicit Bible verse guides on asking God for self-love. However, emulating David’s prayer for a clean heart in Psalm 51:10 could be effective. It could look like, “God, teach me to love and value myself as your creation.”