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30+ Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times

As Christians, we know we will be tempted.

Temptations could come in any form and at any time.

When you are going through difficult times, it is not unusual to doubt God’s liberating power.

Will things get better? If God loves me, why do I still face challenges?

A few weeks back I had asked God for something, and then, it never came to pass.

I became worried and unhappy.

But I also knew that, at all times, we must trust in God.

The truth is, God’s decision may be so hard to comprehend.

We may keep asking ourselves why he allowed us to face so many trials and tribulations.

But don’t. Be like your father, Abraham.

While reading through the book of Genesis chapter 22, I reminded myself that It pays to trust God.

Despite waiting a hundred years before having a son with Sarah, God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, to him.

That’s quite an unimaginable thing to do in this present time.

But Abraham trusted God from the beginning.

He did not ask or suggest other alternatives.

He quickly took his son in obedience to God.

In the end, He was blessed by God beyond his expectations.

God said, “I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son,  I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.”

I have compiled bible verses about trusting God and not worrying. Read and be blessed.

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Bible verses about trusting God in difficult times

1.  Proverbs 3:5

Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;

This powerful verse shines as a beacon of hope in life’s darkest moments. But what does it truly mean to trust God with all our hearts?

At its core, this verse invites surrender. God seems to whisper, “Let go. Allow me to lead you.” He’s not asking us to abandon reason or deny reality. He wants us to rely on His wisdom, which far exceeds our own.

Jeremiah 29:11 echoes this sentiment. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This reminder shows that God’s perspective stretches far beyond our current circumstances.

Imagine a starlit night in ancient Canaan. There, we meet Abraham, a man well-versed in trusting God during tough times. God promised him descendants as countless as the stars, despite his and Sarah’s advanced age. The promise seemed impossible, even laughable. Yet, Abraham trusted God’s promise, wisdom, and timing. This trust was rewarded. Abraham became the father of many nations, just as God had promised.

Today, we find people choosing to trust God amid adversity. Picture a dear friend of mine. A serious illness diagnosis shattered her world. The doctors gave a grim prognosis. But she made a choice to trust God, no matter the outcome. She wasn’t denying her reality but affirming her faith in a God who sees the bigger picture.

Psalm 28:7 captures her resolve: “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.” This verse highlights that God isn’t a passive bystander. He is our strength, our shield, actively helping us when we trust Him.

Trusting God doesn’t mean we won’t have doubts or questions. It doesn’t mean we won’t feel pain. But it means we have a choice. We can lean on our limited understanding or trust in God, whose wisdom and love are boundless.

So, amid life’s uncertainties and hardships, I invite you to embrace Proverbs 3:5. Release the need to understand everything. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. This decision can transform your life, bringing peace in turmoil, strength in weakness, and hope in despair.

2.  Psalm 100:3

Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times

Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

These words from Psalm 100:3 offer solace. They remind us: we’re not alone.

God, our Creator, designed the universe. From each twinkling star to the smallest ant, He is the architect. And guess what? He designed us too. His understanding of us is deep. It surpasses anyone else’s. We can trust Him. He knows our strengths, our fears. He knows our dreams and our weaknesses. His love for us is immense.

“We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.” This verse tells us we belong. We are His. Belonging brings comfort. It’s like a warm home during a snowstorm. It’s a safe harbor when life gets stormy. Our identity as God’s people is a firm anchor. It holds us steady in rough seas. It lays a foundation of trust. Trust that is vital when life gets tough.

Picture this. We are sheep. He is our shepherd. We may not know the path ahead, but He does. As Isaiah 43:1 puts it, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” We are His. He offers guidance. He offers protection. This promise, in my opinion, brings security. It’s especially comforting during hard times.

Take a look at the Israelites in the wilderness. Their journey was hard. They felt hunger, thirst, fear, and doubt. But God was their shepherd. He guided them. He provided for them. He taught them to trust Him. We can learn from their story.

Now, imagine a family. Their home was destroyed by a natural disaster. It’s a heart-wrenching situation. Yet, amidst the wreckage, they find strength. They trust in God’s care. They lean on His promise to provide and protect. John 10:14 says, “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” They hear His voice in their calamity. Their trust in Him shines like a beacon of hope.

In conclusion, trusting God during hard times is tough. But let’s remember who God is. He is our Creator. He is our Shepherd. He is our Provider. We belong to Him. He loves us. He takes care of us. He guides us with wisdom and love. As we navigate life’s challenges, let’s remember Psalm 100:3. We are His. And He is ours. Let’s trust in that.

3.  Psalm 37:5

Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times

Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him and he will do this:

Psalm 37:5 shines with active faith. Trusting God isn’t passive; it’s a dynamic journey. Imagine climbing a mountain. We can’t just stand at the base, hoping to reach the peak. We must take step after step, trusting in the path ahead.

This verse urges us to commit everything to God. It’s like giving Him our life’s steering wheel, trusting His guidance. We’re called to trust, even when life’s GPS seems broken. Surrender isn’t defeat; it’s acknowledging His supreme control.

God is our reliable guide in life’s rocky landscapes. Like a mountaineer trusting their guide, we lean on Him. He’s not just watching from afar. He’s an active participant in our lives.

God’s promise isn’t a genie granting wishes. It’s a divine assurance, grounded in His unchanging character. Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” When we trust Him with our plans, He pledges to guide us. His actions may surprise us, but they’ll be for our good.

Matthew 6:33 adds, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.” When God is our priority, He meets our needs. It doesn’t mean a challenge-free life. It reassures us that God’s faithfulness isn’t circumstantial.

David’s life is a great example. Hunted by King Saul, he trusted God, even when hiding in a cave (1 Samuel 24). David committed his way to God, who didn’t disappoint him. His life shows the power of active trust in God.

Consider my friend who lost his job. Instead of despairing, he trusted God for a new opportunity. He actively sought jobs, believing God would guide him. In time, he found a better job. His story demonstrates how active trust in God turns crises into opportunities.

When life gets tough, let’s actively trust God, like David and my friend. Committing our way to Him, we know He’s not on the sidelines. He’s our Guide, Provider, and Promise-Keeper. He’ll act, not always as we expect, but always in the best way for us.

4.  Psalm 46:10

Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”

Have you ever felt life’s trials crashing into you like a relentless tide? In those times, it’s easy to feel swept away. We can feel alone. But there’s a lifeline. It’s found in Psalm 46:10, a powerful verse with a potent promise. “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

This verse offers us two things. A command and a promise. It invites us to find calm in the storm. To trust in God when life throws us curveballs. It’s a life jacket in turbulent waters.

Consider the Israelites in Exodus 14. Trapped between an army and the Red Sea. No way out. Yet, God spoke through Moses, “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:14). In danger, they were asked to trust, not panic. To lean on God’s power.

What happened next? A miracle. God parted the waters. He paved a way where none existed. They walked on dry land. It defied logic. This story reinforces the message in Psalm 46:10. When we are still and trust in God, His power shines through.

Now, imagine a parent with a rebellious child. It’s a tough spot. The parent might ask, “Where did I fail? How can I mend this?” Amid this turmoil, Psalm 46:10 offers comfort: “Be still, and know that I am God.”

This doesn’t mean the parent should do nothing. It means trusting in God’s bigger plan. It’s realizing that even in chaos, God is at work. Just as He did for the Israelites, He can create a path of reconciliation in our lives.

Psalm 46:10 isn’t a call for passivity. It’s a call to trust. To step back from our urge to control. To let God’s divine plan unfold. As 1 Samuel 12:16 puts it, “Now then, stand still and see this great thing the LORD is about to do before your eyes!”

In life’s trials, being still isn’t about inaction. It’s about trust. It’s about prayer. It’s about believing in God’s power. So, when you’re caught in a storm of worries, remember this lifeline. Be still. Trust God. Because in stillness, His power shines brightest. And He will be exalted, in our lives and across the globe.

5.  Jeremiah 17:7-8

Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.”

In the midst of life’s storms, trust in God is a beacon of hope. Jeremiah 17:7-8 paints a vivid picture of a tree, symbolizing life and growth. This tree, rooted by the water, bravely faces heat and drought. It stays green and fruitful, no matter the challenge. This tree represents you and me when we choose to trust God in trying times.

So, how can we flourish in adversity? By drawing from a constant source of nourishment, just like a tree. Psalm 1:3 echoes this, portraying a person delighting in God’s law as a tree planted by streams of water. Trust forms deep roots in faith’s fertile soil, absorbing life-giving water from God’s word. Here, we find the sustenance to thrive amidst trials.

Stability and health rely on strong roots. Our stability during life’s storms comes from trusting God. This trust is not flimsy hope, but a firm assurance that God is our rock. Isaiah 12:2 boldly declares, “Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.” In difficult times, we can stand firm, knowing we’re rooted in God’s love and faithfulness.

Trust in God conquers fear. In uncertainty, fear can creep in, stealing peace. Yet, as we trust God, His perfect peace protects our hearts. We become like the fearless tree in Jeremiah 17:7-8, untroubled by drought. We stay peaceful and fruitful, knowing our trust in God defines us, not our circumstances.

Reflect on Jeremiah’s life. He faced opposition, ridicule, and imprisonment for prophesying God’s word (Jeremiah 38). Still, he trusted God, courageously speaking truth. His life underscores the message of Jeremiah 17:7-8 – trust in God anchors us, enabling us to face adversity with courage and peace.

As we journey through life, let’s strive to be like that tree by the water – flourishing in adversity, stable in storms, constantly nourished, and fearlessly peaceful. In God, we have an unfailing source of life, strength, and hope. Trusting God, even in difficult times, truly makes all the difference.

6.  Psalm 56:3-4

Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise—
in God I trust and am not afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?

Life can throw a curveball. Fear can grip us. Yet, Psalm 56:3-4 offers a beacon of hope. “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” What powerful words! They invite us to lean into trust, even when fear threatens to consume us.

Fear is palpable. We’ve all felt its icy grip. But these verses offer a different perspective. A perspective of trust. Trust in the midst of stormy seas. Trust in the face of fear. Trust in God.

Think of Isaiah 41:10. “Do not fear, for I am with you.” A comforting echo of Psalm 56. A promise of divine support. A reminder that God’s strength can overshadow any earthly danger.

Psalm 56 is a call to shift our perspective. From fear to faith. From trembling to trust. It’s a reminder of the power of faith. A message mirrored in Hebrews 13:6. “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.”

Picture Daniel, a man of unwavering faith. Faced with a lion’s den, he didn’t flinch. His faith stood firm. His trust in God was unshakeable. Daniel knew God was his protector. And God didn’t let him down.

In our modern world, an activist fighting against injustice mirrors this trust. Picture this: They receive threat after threat, but they stand firm, driven by a deep conviction for justice. They continue their fight, their trust rooted in the belief that God is their ultimate protector. Much like Daniel, they echo the sentiment of Psalm 56:3-4. They understand that trusting in God is a powerful liberator, freeing us from the crippling fear of what people can do to us.

Trust in God isn’t about ignoring fear. It’s about facing it, with God by our side. It’s about acknowledging God’s power. It’s about realizing that in God, we find safety. We find protection. We find love.

So, when fear comes knocking, remember Psalm 56. Choose to trust in God. After all, with God on our side, what can mere mortals do to us?

7.  Proverbs 28:26

Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times

Those who trust in themselves are fools,
but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.

In the midst of life’s storms, we often yearn for control. We believe we can sail our ship to safety through our wisdom. Yet, Proverbs 28:26 shares a powerful truth: “Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.”

This verse serves as a compass, guiding us to trust God, especially in tough times. It warns us against the dangers of self-reliance. Let’s face it, our wisdom and understanding are limited, prone to errors and blind spots. Trusting in them is like relying on a flickering candle in a vast, dark forest.

On the other hand, God’s wisdom is flawless, like the sun shining brightly, revealing paths hidden in darkness. Trusting in His wisdom is not only wise, but it’s also a safe route to protection and peace.

Proverbs 14:12 deepens our understanding of this contrast: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death.” That “way” is the path of self-reliance, which can be alluring, yet destructive.

Jeremiah 9:23-24 offers a caution not to boast in wisdom, strength, or riches. Instead, we should boast in knowing God, the source of kindness, justice, and righteousness. It’s about trusting God, not our abilities or resources.

Take Solomon’s life as an example. A king known for wisdom and wealth, Solomon’s story in 1 Kings 11 is a cautionary tale. He trusted in his wisdom, straying from God’s commands. He relied on his wealth, forming alliances through marriages. Solomon’s self-reliance led to his downfall, as his heart turned away from God.

Solomon’s story is a sobering reminder that personal wisdom or wealth can’t replace trusting in God. This trust isn’t passive; it’s an active reliance, a deliberate choice to lean on God’s wisdom, especially in difficult times.

So, I encourage you to trust in God’s wisdom. When life’s waves surge, let go of your understanding. Rely on the perfect, divine wisdom that promises safety. Remember, it’s not about you or me; it’s about Him. Trusting in Him lights up our paths, leads us to safety, and ultimately, a life of fulfillment and peace.

8.  Psalm 37:3

Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times

Trust in the Lord and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

Psalm 37:3 is a beacon of hope, a lifeline in troubled times. It whispers gently, “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.” What a soothing balm for our weary souls! But how can we unlock its profound message in our chaotic lives?

Let’s peel back the layers of this verse. At its heart lies trust. But not just any trust. This is trust that propels us into action. It’s about stepping up, extending a hand. It’s about spreading love, standing up for what’s right. This trust is a catalyst, sparking deeds of kindness.

Consider the story of Ruth, a woman in the Bible. She was no stranger to hardship. Her husband was gone. Naomi, her mother-in-law, was left with nothing. Amid this despair, Ruth made a brave choice. She chose to trust God and act. She stood by Naomi, embracing love and loyalty. Her trust was vibrant, full of selfless actions. God acknowledged her trust. Ruth’s life took a turn for the extraordinary. She became an integral part of Jesus’s lineage. Read about Ruth in the Book of Ruth.

Next, the verse unveils the outcome of such trust – a sense of peace and security. Picture a life rooted in calm, unfazed by life’s uncertainties. Isaiah 32:17 reveals this beautifully, “The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever.” Trust in God paves the way for this tranquility. It’s our shield against the turmoil around us.

The verse also promises a place of safety. Trusting God leads us to a secure refuge. It’s like dwelling “in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). This is a sanctuary where fear and worry cannot reach us.

But there’s more. The verse offers a vision of joy and satisfaction. Even in hard times, it tells us, we can find happiness. How? Through trust in God. This trust isn’t swayed by our troubles. It’s anchored in God’s unchanging nature – His kindness, loyalty, and love. Despite our surroundings, we can find deep, enduring joy in Him.

Finally, Psalm 37:3 extends a heavenly promise. It assures protection and provision for those who trust in God. No matter how towering the mountain or how fierce the sea, God is with us. He guides and provides. I’ve seen this promise unfold in my own life.

So, here’s my advice to you: Trust in the Lord. Do good. Bask in the peace and safety that follows. Find delight and fulfillment in Him, even during trials. Hold onto His promise of protection and provision. Trusting God is a journey, not a one-off event. But it’s a journey well worth every step.

9.  Psalm 62:8

Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times

Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.

There’s a rhythm to life. Ups and downs. Joy and pain. It’s a dance we all partake in. And sometimes, we find ourselves in the tough spots. This is where Psalm 62:8 shines like a beacon: “Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”

Trust. A simple word with profound implications. Not just in the sunny times, but always. Why? Because God is our safe place. Our calm in the storm. He’s the solid rock that remains unmoved, even when our world seems to spin out of control. I know this to be true. When I turned to God in my struggles, I found a harbor in the tempest.

Psalm 91:2 reiterates this: “I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'” It’s a powerful image. God as our refuge and fortress. A safe place and a protective shield. Trusting in Him doesn’t mean we won’t face storms, but it does promise us shelter within them.

And there’s more to Psalm 62:8. It calls us to pour out our hearts to God. To share our deepest fears and dreams. It’s an invitation to raw, honest communication. No masks, no pretense. Just us and God.

It’s much like 1 Peter 5:7, where we’re told to “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” Casting. It’s an active choice. A deliberate decision to pass our worries onto God. A chance to drop our burdens, knowing God can carry them.

Now, let’s turn to Hannah in 1 Samuel 1. Hannah knew pain. She yearned for a child, but year after year, she remained childless. Yet, she chose to pour out her heart to God. She was open. She was honest. She trusted God. And her story offers us a roadmap of how to engage with God in our pain.

In sum, Psalm 62:8 invites us to trust God and be real with Him. It tells us that God is our safe place, our refuge when life gets tough. So whether you’re in a storm or enjoying the calm, I urge you to be like Hannah. Share your heart with God. Trust Him. As I found, He is truly our steadfast refuge.

10.  Isaiah 26:3-4

Bible verses about Trusting God in difficult times

You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.
Trust in the Lord forever,
for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.

Life’s journey is often filled with twists and turns, casting shadows of uncertainty and adversity. Yet, nestled within the Bible, in Isaiah 26:3-4, we find a soothing truth. It whispers a promise of perfect peace for those who trust in God, a peace that surpasses human understanding.

Picture this: “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD Himself, is the Rock eternal.” These verses are a lifeline in life’s stormy seas. They inspire trust that is constant, not sporadic.

Trust isn’t a switch we flip during hard times. No, it’s a permanent setting, a continuous reliance on God. And this unwavering trust? It paves the way for peace.

Imagine a soldier preparing for a dangerous mission. Unknown challenges loom, and potential threats hum in the air. Yet, amid chaos, the soldier finds peace, rooted not in circumstances but in trust in God. It’s a peace that transforms fear into faith.

How is this possible? The answer lies in the nature of the One we trust. Isaiah paints God as a solid, unmovable rock. Like enduring rock formations, God’s reliability remains unchanging. Psalm 18:2 echoes this truth, saying, “The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.”

The steadfastness of mind in Isaiah isn’t from our power. It’s the outcome of anchoring our trust in God, the eternal Rock. When life’s tremors shake us, we stay secure, grounded in God’s unchanging nature.

A poignant biblical example is Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was on the precipice of immense suffering, yet He chose to trust God’s plan. His trust didn’t eliminate the pain but provided peace that steadied His heart.

I believe, just as Jesus found peace amid suffering, we can too. I’ve seen trust in God transform turmoil into tranquility. It’s not a magic cure, but a divine promise that equips us to face trials with anchored souls and peaceful hearts.

As we journey through life, let’s remember trust in God isn’t just about surviving difficult times. It’s about thriving amid them. So, let’s trust in the Lord, our eternal Rock, finding perfect peace in His unending faithfulness.

11.  Isaiah 12:2

12.  Psalm 37:7

13.  Psalm 146:3-5

14.  Proverbs 22:19

15.  Psalm 115:9-11

More bible verses about trusting God’s plan

16.  Psalm 13:5

17.  Ephesians 6:10

18.  Isaiah 12:2

19.  Psalm 118:6-9

20.  Psalm 84:11

21.  Romans 8:28

22.  1 Peter 5:10

23.  James 1:12

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In Closing: Words of Encouragement

  1. Rely Not Solely on Your Wisdom

We often find ourselves embroiled in the quest for solutions to life’s problems. Searching for a job? We swiftly send out applications and contact those who might aid us. Feeling unwell? We rush to the doctor’s office. These actions are natural, yet let’s not overlook the supernatural power of God.

As a medical professional, I’ve witnessed divine interventions that defy clinical explanations. It may be challenging to grasp the concept of God hearing prayers, but I’ve seen His healing hand on patients. So, when trials loom, lean on God and pray.

Remember, hastily seeking solutions might just be a test of faith. Don’t place undue faith in your abilities, for God’s wisdom surpasses all. When fear engulfs, trust in Him. As the Psalmist says, “In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

  1. Cultivate Unwavering Faith in God

If you’ve petitioned God about your concerns, yet the answers seem distant, KEEP FAITH. Let’s not forget the blessings He’s already bestowed upon us. Often, we overlook the numerous ways God has enriched our lives.

Looking for a job is a sign of health, a blessing in itself. God has bestowed wellness and joy upon you. Trust that He will provide other blessings that your heart yearns for.

My prayer for you is this: May God fulfill your desires according to His will in Christ Jesus. Amen.


Frequently Asked Questions

What Scripture says about trusting God during difficult times?

Verses like Isaiah 26:3-4 stand out when we seek assurance in difficult times. It says, “Trust in the LORD forever, for in the LORD GOD you have an everlasting rock.”

How do you trust God in difficult times?

Trusting God in trying times means leaning on His wisdom. We achieve this through prayer and studying His Word. Then, we let go of our worries. It’s what Philippians 4:6-7 suggests, advising us to replace anxiety with prayer.

What does the Bible say about facing difficult times?

The Bible acknowledges life’s trials but offers hope. John 16:33 says, “In the world you have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world.” It’s Jesus’ promise of peace despite the world’s troubles.

What is the best verse about trusting God?

Proverbs 3:5-6 is a gem about trusting God. It advises, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

What is a Bible verse about trusting God in all circumstances?

Romans 8:28 speaks about trusting God in every situation. It says, “We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God.” It’s a reminder that God’s plan is working, even when we can’t see it.

How can we cling to God in difficult times?

Clinging to God in hard times involves diving into His word, praying ceaselessly, and recalling His faithfulness. Psalm 46:1 reminds us that God is our refuge, our strength, and our ever-present help in trouble.

What are some Bible stories that demonstrate trusting God in difficult times?

Bible stories that exemplify trust include Daniel in the lion’s den and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. These tales demonstrate unwavering faith in the face of immense danger.

What is the power of trusting God?

Trusting God taps into His limitless wisdom, endless love, and supreme power. Jeremiah 17:7-8 tells us that the one who trusts in the LORD is like a tree planted by water, fearlessly enduring heat and drought.

What are four reasons to trust God?

Reasons to trust God abound. His unfailing love (Psalm 13:5), infinite wisdom (Romans 11:33), unchanging nature (Hebrews 13:8), and promise-keeping character (Numbers 23:19) all inspire trust.

Can you provide some Bible verses about hope and trust?

Scriptures like Psalm 71:5 and Romans 15:13 fuse hope and trust. They encourage us to place our trust in God and abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.



Bible Verses About Tithing in the modern era

Author: Akatakpo DunnDr. Akatakpo Dunn is a dedicated follower of Christ, an active member and speaker, and an ongoing learner of the Scriptures. Passionate about his faith and serving others, he is committed to sharing his spiritual journey and insights to inspire and uplift fellow believers. He has been active in the church for more than 23 years. Through The Faithful Christian Blog, Dr. Dunn combines his love for God, philanthropy, and Scripture, providing a valuable resource for those seeking to grow in their faith. Follow me: on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Akatakpo Dunn

Dr. Akatakpo Dunn is a dedicated follower of Christ, an active member and speaker, and an ongoing learner of the Scriptures. Passionate about his faith and serving others, he is committed to sharing his spiritual journey and insights to inspire and uplift fellow believers. He has been active in the church for more than 23 years. Through The Faithful Christian Blog, Dr. Dunn combines his love for God, philanthropy, and Scripture, providing a valuable resource for those seeking to grow in their faith. Follow me: on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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Friday 6th of May 2022

I want to thank you for sharing the word of God with me & the scriptures.Thank you Paulina

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